Transforming Lives: Cash Transfers Boost Health, Food Security & Livelihoods in Zalingei Central Darfur

The humanitarian context in Sudan since the broke out of war on April 15, 2023, has been host to one of the world’s most crucial and catastrophic humanitarian crises, with multiple waves of violence and theft, and population displacements spreading across the whole country. The conflict continues to be characterized by the destruction of homes and property, the killing of civilians, looting and human rights violations, sexual violence, population displacement, family separation, the recruitment of children into armed groups, and the loss of livelihoods. U to now the country is still caught in a cycle of violence and insecurity that has become part of daily life. As many families have no option of leaving their homes, the displacement of other families to their areas caused a huge impact on the availability of life support materials in addition to cutting off large portions of the population from services, information and markets. placing many communities in the region to be severely and urgently in need of support. Additionally, the humanitarian consequences of conflict-related hardship are often aggravated by structural factors, such as limited access to and/or the absence of basic services (e.g., health care, education, safe water, and sanitation facilities).
Since the beginning of the war, the AWAFY Sudanese organization and its partners have been working nonstop together to provide affected individuals and families in Central Darfur, particularly Zalingei with life-saving support assistance in Central Darfur State affected by the ongoing cycle of conflict and relative stability, as well as the consequent waves of population displacement and return. To respond to these situations, AWAFY and its partners conducted many projects to best address children’s and families’ needs including a well-coordinated Cash Transfer program (CTP). In this report, we provide details about the financial support we have provided through implementing The Emergency Response through Cash Transfer Program (CTP) Project in Central Darfur State, SUDAN in 2023

Project Partners:

AWAFY is a youth-led, non-governmental, non-profit national organization established in May 2021 with its first office located in Zalingei, Central Darfur, Sudan.

AWAFY Successfully Implemented Several Projects Covering a Wide Range of Topics. During our journey of serving local communities, AWAFY was pleased to collaborate with local and international institutions.

Our dedicated team believes that local communities should better understand the nature of local problems. Therefore, we are confident that, through empowering local communities with the necessary knowledge and skills, these communities can play a vital role in resolving the root causes of conflicts and problems on a local, national, and, in some cases, regional level and protecting the values of human rights.


People in Need was established in 1992 by a group of Czech war correspondents who were no longer satisfied with merely relaying information about ongoing conflicts and began sending out aid. It gradually became established as a professional humanitarian organisation striving to provide aid in troubled regions and support adherence to human rights around the world.

Throughout the 30 years of our existence, we have become one of the biggest non-profit organisations in Central Europe. In addition to humanitarian aid and human rights, we also work in education and help people living in social exclusion.

We are part of Alliance2015, a strategic network of seven European non-governmental organisations engaged in humanitarian aid and development projects. This collaboration increases effectiveness, both in working in the target countries and in campaigns aimed at influencing the attitudes of politicians and the general public in Europe.

We are also part of NeoN, a group of more than 20 organisations and networks representing over 600 NGOs. Together, we negotiate cooperation with the state administration at the level of the Office of the Government, ministries, and parliament

Sudanese Development Call Organization (NIDAA) is dedicated to serve, mobilize and motivate the Sudanese societies, longing for desirable change through training, advocacy and sustainable community development


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