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Zalingei hosted a Peace Building Forum in partnership with Youth Organizations

AWAFY, in partnership with the youth organizations in Central Darfur, organized the Peace Building Forum, which is part of the Mashish Adeela project Funded by Adeela for Culture and Art. a number of organizations, youth associations, resistance committees, and community and community leaders took part in the forum, which was held in the province on Friday, November 25, 2022, Zalingei witnessed the Peacebuilding Forum, and a traditional song followed the opening of the forum.

Startup a speech by the Representative of the organization, Mr Mohialdeen Ismail, below the text of the opening speech:

“At the outset, I welcome all those present, including ladies and gentlemen, representatives of youth organizations, community leaders, Resistance Committees and all bodies who attended the forum. Thank you very much.

Let me send a bowing salute to the martyrs of the Sudanese Revolution, sons and daughters of the Sudanese people who have sacrificed their lives to build peace in our beloved country.

The idea for the Central Darfur Peace Building Forum was conceived as a joint effort between youth organizations and grassroots organizations:

  1. AWAFY Sudanese Organization
  2. Darfur Youth Network for Governance and Peacebuilding
  3. Deriba Center for Environmental Studies
  4. Brikh Alamal Organization for Development and Legal Consultation
  5. Aljobraka Cultural Forum
  6. Nerty Forum
  7. African House for Development Organization

With the Fund of Adeela Organization within the Mashish Adeela Project, the project aims to support grassroots organizations and youth organizations in peace-building, democratic transition and transitional justice processes. The project period is 12 months, starting next January and ending on December 2023. Adeela Focal point in the province will open the application opportunities year-round.

Finally, I offer you a greeting of thanks and appreciation for the presence and the time of the forum”

The forum discussed a scientific paper on the concept of peace and building presented by Mr Hashim Ismail, and the second paper on advocating for peace and women’s issues raised by Ms Muzdalifah Abd Al-Rahim. The paper was followed by interventions from the public and included recommendations for interventions.

  1. Stop the causes of wars in returning to the country.
  2. Reconciliation of all components of the Sudanese people.
  3. Promote a culture of tolerance and acceptance of others.
  4. Enact and enforce laws criminalizing racism in the state.


The event concluded with populist songs.