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West Darfur – El Geneina Forum on Combating Hate Speech

AWAFY works to empower youth through supporting grassroots and youth actors in society in various states of Sudan, contributing to peacebuilding, reducing conflict and supporting democratic transition.

West Darfur – El-Geneina is one of the areas that has been impacted by wars and the consequences of rampant hate speech, which needs to intensify similar activities to renounce communal violence, promote the values of peaceful coexistence, and counter hate speech.

On Sunday, December 25, 2022, FANOUSE for Rights and Knowledge Organization, with AWAFY funded held a dialogue forum targeting both sexes, titled “Combating Hate Speech” at Ardamata IDPs Camp in West Darfur state. The forum included sections including psychological support for children, a scientific paper, a children’s competition through the voluntary working group of Ardamata Camp, a theatre on hate speech, in addition to the participation of the Coffee Cultural Scent Ensemble.

The forum featured two papers, one on “Combating Hate Speech” presented by Essam Bishara (Umbra) and the second on “Peacebuilding and Child Psychological Support” presented by Abu Sufian Makki, in addition to a speech by a youth representative of the Ardamata Camp IDPs, a lecture by a representative of the FANOUSE for Rights and Knowledge Organization, and interventions from the audience.

AWAFY affirms her continued support for youth and grassroots organizations to enhance the role of society in peacebuilding, reducing conflict and supporting democratic transition.