West Darfur – El Geneina Forum on Combating Hate Speech

AWAFY works to empower youth through supporting grassroots and youth actors in society in various states of Sudan, contributing to peacebuilding, reducing conflict and supporting democratic transition. West Darfur – El-Geneina is one of the areas that has been impacted by wars and the consequences of rampant hate speech, which needs to intensify similar activities … Read more

AWAFY held a joint event in partnership with youth organizations

On 1st  of December 2022, AWAFY held a joint event in partnership with youth organizations in the Central Darfur State (African House for Development, Deriba Center for Environmental Studies, Brigkh Almal Organization for Development and Legal Consultations, Aljobaraka Cultural Forum, Darfur Youth Network for Governance and Peacebuilding, Nertiti Forum for Awareness and Enlightenment), which came … Read more

Zalingei hosted a Peace Building Forum in partnership with Youth Organizations

AWAFY, in partnership with the youth organizations in Central Darfur, organized the Peace Building Forum, which is part of the Mashish Adeela project Funded by Adeela for Culture and Art. a number of organizations, youth associations, resistance committees, and community and community leaders took part in the forum, which was held in the province on … Read more

First edition training workshop on scholarships and study abroad

  AWAFY in Partnership with Milha Platform on Sunday, November 13, 2022, held a training workshop on scholarships and study abroad in its first edition in Central Darfur – Zalingei State, which targeted 15 young men and women. The first version included training in the objectives and types of scholarships in terms of partial and … Read more

Local Conference Of Youth Sudan 2022 Event (LCOY)

AWAFY was implemented as an organizing partner for the second Edition of Local Conference Of Youth (LCOY) on Youth SDGs and Climate Action Held in Khartoum Sudan on 23 – 24 October 2022 LCOY In 2015, the idea of COY started spreading around the world. Young people recognized the value of COYs and got inspired … Read more

Enlighten youth of what happened? and what happening in Darfur and Blue Nile?

Increasing the level of awareness among Youth is one of the most important sectors, under the Reading Project. AWAFY provides youth-friendly spaces, and teaches them to read, AWAFY brings documents to provide young people with reading to know their past and present in Darfur and Blue Nile, a session that was the experience series of … Read more

Positive Discrimination Book Discussion

The Lawyer Abd Albasit Al-Haj, is an author of  Positive Discrimination Book, from Sudan. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and worked as a lawyer and human rights defender. On Friday 10 June 2022, in cooperation with Adeela for Culture and Arts in Central Darfur – Zalingei. AWAFY conducted a dialogue on Positive discrimination, … Read more

Dialogue on Transitional Justice

AWAFY considers dialogue as one of the tools to achieve the disclosure of facts,  AWAFY held a dialogue session on Transitional Justice On Tuesday, June 7, 2022, in cooperation with Adeela for Culture and Arts in Central Darfur – Zalingei. AWAFY‘s Legal Consultant, sent regards to all attended started with youth, community leaders and the … Read more

Memory of martyr Abdul Rahman Al-Nur Ibrahim (Ajab)

Mr. Abdul Rahman Al Nour Ibrahim, C-founder and The First Finance Manager at AWAFY Sudanese Organization, was assassinated by a car run over by Forces of Aldaem Alsarie on the morning of Saturday, September 18, 2021, in Zalingei. AWAFY team in Zalingei in memory of the martyr Abdul Rahman Al-Nur Ibrahim (Ajab). Organizing a group … Read more